Get Started

Welcome to the current middle ages as it exists in the Barony of al-Barran (Albuquerque, NM) in the mighty Kingdom of the Outlands!

Our Barony has MANY activities and ways to participate–so many, that it can be a bit daunting. Fear not! We are a group that thrives on helping others enjoy our game.

The officer who can help you get started is the Chatelaine. They can provide loaner garb and introduce you to people doing what you’re interested in.

Our NewcomersGuide2021 is a great place to learn about what we do.

Another fun resource is our  Newcomers-Quest-Handbook which will help you learn all about the SCA as you work through a quest! (Hint: many of the answers can be found on this website!) Bring your completed quest book to the Baron or Baroness and receive a prize!

Click on the pages below to learn more about getting started in our various activities!

Armored Combat

Rapier Combat

Archery and Combat Archery

Choosing a Name and Persona

Medieval Garb (what to wear)

Your First Event: what to bring

Camping 101