In Search of Officers for the following Positions:
List Minister
Please reach out to the if you are interested!
It takes a team of people to make events happen and the business of the barony to run. Â Volunteering is a great way to meet people and ensure that your favorite activities can continue. Here are some ways you can volunteer:
- Assist the Minister of the Lists. This person runs tournaments, keeping track of wins and losses and moving fighters through the rounds. They often need someone to run cards between their table and the field herald.
- Speaking of heralds…Heralds are the people who call out important news throughout the day at an event and call the fighters to the field when it is their match.
- Work a gate shift. The gate is where everyone checks in at an event so you will meet…everyone!
- Be a server at a feast.
- Help with event set up or clean up.
- Offer to help carry things for people
- Hydration station at outdoor events