December 9, 2023
Ballut Abyad Shriners 6600 Zuni Rd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Long ago travelers following the Silk Road between the steps of Asia and the Mediterranean would winter in the
warm climates of friendly Persian cities, and enjoy the hospitality of their rich culture.
This Midwinter celebration conjures the flavour and charm of such a refuge on a cold al-Barranian night.
Join al-Barran under the Antares Star.
Site opens at 9am
- Chess and Cribbage Tournaments in the Morning
- Beginners Belly Dancing
- Sekanjabin Tutorial and Tasting
- Best Decorated Table Competition decided by the Populace
Schedule of events:
8:30AM Site set up
9am – Site Opens
10:30am Court
11:00am List Opens for Warlord Tournament
Noon: Warlord Tournament Begins
Sekanjabin Tutorial with Lord Hardwin Godricson
1PM Midday Court
2:30PM Dancing Tutorial with Baroness Gwenlyn Aldwyn
Flower Crown tutorial with Lady Solona of al-Barran ($5 materials fee)
2:30PM Memorial Tournament for Sir Dennis the Wright (Sword and Board)
4:00PM Evening Court
5:30PM Feast Begins
7:00PM Court Dancing, general merriment
8:30PM Begin Tear down
9:00PM Site closes
Site is Wet
Members Site and Feast $30
Members Site only $15
Non-members Site and Feast $30+$5 non-member surcharge
Non-members Site only $15+$5 non-member surcharge
Attendees 17 Years and Younger are Free (including Feast)