A Celebration of the Senses
17 December 2022
Ballut Abyad Event Hall, 6600 Zuni Rd NE, Albuquerque NM 87108
Adult site fees: $15 for members Feast fees $15
Youth (6-17) site fees: $10
Children under 6 Free
Register HERE
Event coordinator: Gwenlyn Aldwyn, baroness@al-barran.outlands.org and Lady Phaidra Thebia
Prepare your finest garb and make ready to indulge your senses as the Barony of al-Barran welcomes the return of the sun with a Midwinter celebration inspired by the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. As each of the tapestries expresses an appreciation for the different senses, so too will we indulge our palate with music, décor, dancing, and of course, a delicious feast!
Events include: Carolers, a dessert competition, court dancing, and a scavenger hunt!
HELP WANTED: Such a large event only works because of the amazing people of al-Barran. Please lend an hour or two of your day–you’ll make new friends, reconnect with old ones, and been well thanked by your barony! Set up crew, clean up crew, gate crew, and feast servers. Sign up HERE.
Saturday December 17 MAP TO SITE
8:30am venue set up and decoration
10:00am site opens
11:00-11:30am Laurel Circle
11:45-12:15am Pelican Circle
12:00pm Scavenger Hunt Begins
12:00pm Luncheon Table open
1:00pm Carolers
2:00pm Court Dancing
3:00pm Dessert Competition Opens
3:00pm Bardic workshop with the Bard of al-Barran
4:00pm Court (at Their Majesties’ pleasure)
6:00pm Feast
7:30pm Court Dancing
9:30 Clean up begins
10:00 Site closes
9:00-9:30am MOD Circle
9:45-10:15am Chivalry Circle
10:15am WAR Practice